  Semua orang pasti pernah menunggu. Menanti kepastian dengan harap-harap cemas sepertinya menjadi bagian dari episode hidup semua orang. Dari hal sepele, menunggu bus di halte bus, menunggu teman di tempat janjian yang sudah disepakati tetapi hingga sejam setelah waktu janjian dia belum datang juga. Atau menanti kepastian kapan surat lamaran kerja kita akan direspon oleh perusahaan yang diincar. Atau bahkan menunggu jodoh yang tak kunjung tiba. Saat menunggu, level kesabaran kita pun diuji. Dan saya yakin Tuhan tidak akan menguji hamba-Nya di luar batas kesabaran. Ada hamba-Nya yang cuma diuji kesabarannya sekedar menunggu angkot, taksi, atau pesawat terbang. Ada yang diuji kesabarannya saat menanti tanggal gajian datang padahal beras sudah habis. Ada juga yang diuji dengan seberapa sabar dia tabah menanti kekasih yang terpisah ribuan mil dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Ada juga yang diuji dengan kesabaran menanti jodoh yang tak kunjung tiba. Padahal teman-teman sebaya satu persatu sudah

National Geographic's #PlanetOrPlastic writing contest

One day i found a National Geographic's #PlanetOrPlastic writing contest announcement on wattpad. In 500 words or less, we were asked to write a story, that was inspired by 2 photos presented. The story can be fiction or non fiction. The photos that was really shaking my mind, one about a tail of little seahorse grasped a cotton bud to swim and another about dolphin and a girl are swimming in the sea full of plastic waste. 

Wow....And that time was the first time finally i really aware with really happens in our planet. How plastic has occupied our planet.

No-one in their daily life within a period of 10 minutes isn't touching something that is made of plastic. It's used in everything from pen you are using, to your glasses, bottle, snack packaging, and many others. Why plastic is so popular?

Because plastic can be flexible or rigid, and its lightness also makes it very appealing. 

But for all the benefits plastic has given us, disposing of products, particularly those designed to be used only once, such as packaging, has become a major environmental issue.

So how big is the problem, what happens once plastic goes into the ocean, and what can we do about it?

So i decided to join the writing contest. O this challenge, i prefer to write a fiction about Sea-horse's family. Honestly, i don't really expect to win. But i'm proud of it.

Would you mind to read and vote it for me? Its on wattpad. My ID is @anginrindu82
The title is "A Cotton Bud for Mommy".


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